Autumn Term
At St Peter’s Academy, Alton we are very lucky to have three-time published author Sarah Langford working at our school. This year we have dedicated our STEAM activities to all three of her books. During the Autumn term we have focused on birds and we read the book Alberto the Waved Albatross. We were visited by Kingsley Bird and Falconry Centre. They brought a selection of owls, a Peregrine Falcon and a Harris Hawk. The children were very lucky to fly the Barn Owls to each other in our school hall. We learnt lots of new, interesting facts such as Barn Owls are silent when flying and that they hunt using sound rather than sight. The children thought about why birds make nests and the type of nests they make. The children used natural materials to make their own nests. They discussed how the size and type of bird would impact the type of nest they would make and the materials they would use. Properties of materials were discussed. The nests were then left outside for other animals to use. We know that it isn’t the time of year for nesting birds, but we left them in areas that local wildlife and insects might be able to access and make use of them. We have had a visit from Cameron Homes and Keon Homes from The Tara Group. They talked to the children about environmental responsibility in housing development and how they incorporate wildlife friendly features in their projects. In school we are going to focus on feeding birds. We will be looking at what birds eat and we will make our own bird feeders which the children will take home to put in their gardens to ensure that the local birds are fed over the winter.