Children are eligible for places in our Nursery from their third birthday. The sessions are led by Miss Donna Rogers, Early Years Teacher, assisted by Miss Abbie Burrows, a fully qualified Early Years Teaching Assistant. Sessions are available Monday to Friday during term time. We can accept children during the term in which they celebrate their third birthday – session fees are payable. From the term after their third birthday Early Education Funding (EEF) is available up to the maximum of 15 hours. An additional 15 hours of Extended Hours funding (totalling 30 hours per week) is available for families who meet the HMRC Extended Hours criteria.
Check your eligibility for 30 hours funding here
Sessions in excess of funded sessions will be charged at £6.00 per hour, £1.50 per quarter hour.
Session times are as follows:
- 8:45am to 12 noon
- 8:45am to 1pm (including lunch)
- 8:45am to 3.20pm (including lunch)
- 1.00pm to 3.20pm
(You may provide a packed lunch or purchase a school meal at a cost of £2.85)
Applications will be accepted during the preceding term and sessions allocated to reflect the admissions policy, subject to spaces being available.
Nursery Application Form
Should you require further information, please contact the school office on or call 01538 702321.
The Nursery Admissions Policy can be downloaded here.
‘Busy Bodies’, our Out of Hours Club based on site, can also be accessed by Nursery children. The following chargeable sessions are available during term time:
Mornings: 7.30am to 8.50am (to include light breakfast)
Afternoons: 3.20pm to 4.30pm or 3.20pm to 6.00pm (each session includes drink and light snack)