Please keep checking this page as it will be updated on a regular basis during the period of closure due to coronavirus. Please click on the links to open documents, activities and web sites.

Home learning is emailed to individuals or packs prepared for all who request them. Timetables, Powerpoint presentations and invitations to ‘live’ sessions are sent out direct each week. A sample timetable can be found here.

Don’t forget, all the children in Years R to 4 have log ins for Reading Eggs (including Maths Seeds), Education City and Purple Mash. Class 3 also have log ins for TT Rock Stars.

Here are a few activities/sites you might like to try:

A lot of you have Minecraft so if you go to the Minecraft store, Microsoft have released 12 educational games. In one of the games you can learn to be a Marine Biologist!

Here are some extra online resources that are currently free to sign up to:

  • – This is the reading scheme we predominantly use in school (Oxford Reading Tree). You can sign up for free and have access to some of the books we would have in school as an eBook! It isn’t all of the books unfortunately, as you would need a subscription but ORT have said that while schools are closed to some children, they are making more eBooks available. You just have to filter the collection by looking at the ‘Levels’ filter and selecting ‘Book Bands’ – it will drop down a menu with all of the book band colours we have in school. Find you child’s band colour and browse the eBooks they have available. There are also other eBooks available on there from ORT – filtered by age. Please be aware though – you do have to purchase some of the wider collection – just use the free selection if you wish.
  • – This is a kids version of a teacher resource site. They have interactive games and activities for SPaG, Reading and Maths – all for free while they are testing their new site as a BETA. Please feel free to sign up while it is available for free. On here, you need to find your child’s year group at the top. The drop down menus allow you to search for games within their year group to support learning you have done at home. The reading area is interesting – they have created reading comprehension activities for texts pitched at their year group – these may be worth giving a try to support reading at home too.

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The sevices provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.