Welcome to Early Years
At St Peter’s, we believe that the Early Years Foundation Stage is crucial in securing solid foundations that children are going to continue to build upon. We believe that the early days of learning are the ones that should be full of awe, wonder and curiosity. Where exploring, imagining and constructing are openly encouraged and where staff actively model and lead children on the crucial first stage of their learning journey. It is our intent that the children who enter our EYFS develop physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst embedding a positive attitude to school and learning. We believe that all children deserve to be valued as an individual and we are passionate in allowing all children to achieve their full, unique potential. With all of this in mind, we begin each year by looking at the individual needs of our children; taking into account their different starting points to carefully develop our EYFS curriculum which enables them to follow the path of their learning journey, at a point, that is suitable for their unique needs and stage of development.
Please click on the links below for more information.
EYFS statement
EYFS Timetable
Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
Induction booklet
Getting ready for school
Development Matters
At St Peter’s Academy we use Development Matters which is a non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage.
Please click on the link below for more information.
Development Matters
Early Learning Goals
At the end of the reception year the children are assessed on the Early Learning Goals.
They will be assessed as expected (achieved ELG) or emerging (Working towards ELG).
Please click on the link below to see the different Early Learning Goals.
Early Learning Goals
Our Two Year Rolling Programme
At St Peter’s our classes are organised as two combined year groups.
In early years our class is made up of both nursery and reception children.
This means our curriculum follows a two year rolling programme ensuring children are receiving a broad and ambitious curriculum.
Year A
Year A overview for EYFS
At St Peter’s Academy we currently follow the Twinkl Phonics scheme.
Twinkl Phonics is a fully comprehensive, synthetic phonics teaching programme designed to be used with children from nursery to year 2. Delivered through the stories and adventures of Kit, Sam and the Twinkl Phonics family, the scheme builds and develops the skills and understanding children need to become effective, independent readers and writers.