At St Peter’s CE Academy, Alton we care for the whole child. One of our aims is that all children will leave with the confidence, compassion and experience that will enable them to tackle a wide range of situations.
Children take part in the ’50 things to do before you’re 9′ initiative throughout the school. They are encouraged to try new activites and learn new skills. Between joining Nursery at age 3 and leaving the school aged 9, the children aim to complete the 50 tasks designed to challenge them and deliver a wide range of experiences. To launch the initiative the children learnt circus skills from a circus professional, they have made rafts that float with a toy on board, they have held a scary beast, hunted for bugs, performed on stage, completed a golden mile with plenty more challenges ahead!
The children have enjoyed the following:
Try your hand at an adventurous activity – The children in year 4 took part in many activities at Whitemoor Lakes.
Archery – The children in Key Stage 2 got to take part in an archery workshop
Playing in the snow – The children enjoyed having time outside to play in the snow.
Nature walk and wild art – To start our topic ‘On Our Travels’ the whole school went on a nature walk around the village. The children collected a range of natural objects which they used to create some wild art.
Science, circus workshop – fun and interactive!!
Visit to the Mosque – Key Stage 1 went to visit the Open Centre Mosque in Derby
Learn to play an instrument – the children in Key Stage 2 have a weekly violin or ukulele lesson. The whole school enjoyed a drumming workshop!
Fun in the rain – we loved running round in the rain and splashing in the puddles!
Mud pies – messy but fun!
First Aid – the children in Class 2 practised some basic first aid. They learnt how to place someone in the recovery position and had great fun with bandages!
Crazy Science – the children enjoyed watching some dramatic chemical reactions! Nursery and Reception explored a colourful chemical reaction by mixing vinegar, food colouring and bicarbonate of soda. The older children were very excited to see the effect of dropping a Mentos mint into a bottle of cocoa cola – an experiment for outdoors only!!
Bug Hunting and Cloud Gazing – the whole school enjoyed an afternoon in the outdoors. Activities included bug hunting and cloud gazing!
Raising butterflies – the children in Class 1 enjoyed watching caterpillars hatch and turn into beautiful butterflies.
Hold a scary beast – one of our families brought in a selection of creatures from their mini beast collection for us to look at and handle.